• 3:38


Professional Civil Legal Mediator

Anger Resolution Therapist

Life Skills Facilitator

Specialized System of:  Behavioral & Psychological Training Positive Choice Theory

Health Science -Behavioral Psychology

All rights reserved Copyright 2013-2025: Health Science Behavioral Psychology

Founded by Prof. Samuel Capelli, Ph.D, MS,MA

Founded by Prof. Sandra Capelli, MS, MA

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"Thank you for making The Capelli Group part of your mental health wellness plan"

                                                                        Samuel & Sandra Capelli

Life Skills Training Program

Self-Esteem and Skills Building Education

Health Science- Behavioral  Psychology

Prof. Sandra  Capelli

Vice President/Founder


  • 4:30

"Helping people make positive changes"

Come  visit us and be part of 

The Capelli Family



NCTI Provider and Facilitator

Silvester Capelli

Emotional Support Animal

ESA #5737452091

(ACAA) TITLE 49, SEC. 41705/(FHA) 42 USC 3601 et seq.

"Come Visit Me!"

Prof. Samuel Capelli
