Professional Civil Legal Mediator
Anger Resolution Therapist
Life Skills Facilitator
Specialized System of: Behavioral & Psychological Training Positive Choice Theory
Health Science -Behavioral Psychology
All rights reserved Copyright 2013-2025: Health Science Behavioral Psychology
Founded by Prof. Samuel Capelli, Ph.D, MS,MA
Founded by Prof. Sandra Capelli, MS, MA
"Thank you for making The Capelli Group part of your mental health wellness plan"
Samuel & Sandra Capelli
Life Skills Training Program
Self-Esteem and Skills Building Education
Health Science- Behavioral Psychology
Prof. Sandra Capelli
Vice President/Founder
"Helping people make positive changes"
Come visit us and be part of
The Capelli Family
NCTI Provider and Facilitator
Silvester Capelli
Emotional Support Animal
ESA #5737452091
(ACAA) TITLE 49, SEC. 41705/(FHA) 42 USC 3601 et seq.
"Come Visit Me!"
Prof. Samuel Capelli