Prof. Samuel Capelli
State of Texas Licensed
Professional Clinical Psychotherapist/Supervisor
Professional Mental Health Consultant
Certified Anger Resolution Therapist
The Capelli Group BIPP
Affirmative Finding of Family Violence (AFV) Counseling is available in cases where BIPP is not recommended by the Courts, but FAMILY VIOLENCE COUNSELING is recommended by the courts or judges.
Who can refer to us:
Employers and Employee
Assistance Programs
Probation, Parole, and Federal Pre-Trial
Attorneys and Judges
Child Protective Services
Family or Self Referral
Fort Bliss Texas
"This program helped me to understand that I am an abuser, it also helped me with awareness and equality." M. Ibarra
"I learned to value my wife, and my family. My machismo was challenged......I lost. Thank you Capelli Group!" A. Moreno
"La clase fue muy informativa y me dio mucha eduacasion atraves de la violencia domestica, YO tome resposabilidad.....deje de abusar a mi mismo y a mi esposa".
J. Diaz
I got use to coming to this place, the learning is incredible and I learned what equality is." C.S
"The Professor was very direct, his way of teaching and running the class is very different than any other program I have ever been to, he confronts EVERYTHING, in a very professional way. I was intimidated at first, but he taught us to embrace change. Accountability...."
Dominick, BBA
The Capelli Group Administration
Members & Community Volunteer of the following:
Sandra Capelli
Chief Administrator
Clinical Psychotherapy Specialist
Professional Mental Health Consultant
Certified Anger Resolution Therapist
The Capelli Group BIPP
We serve El Paso, Hudspeth and Culberson Counties and Fort Bliss, Texas
Battering Intervention and Prevention
Our 18-week program saves you money!!
(Satisfies the 36-HOUR TDCJ/CJAD & State of Texas Requirements)
Accredited by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice-Community Justice Assistance Division (TDCJ-CJAD)
BIPP Domestic Family Violence Counseling/Classes
Providing State of Texas Approved and Accredited TDCJ-CJAD
Family Violence/Counseling and BIPP
We proudly service and accept all Fort Bliss,Texas Cases
The Capelli Group, LLC is TDCJ-CJAD accredited as a Battering Intervention and Prevention Program (BIPP) that provides educational services to men and women who have been violent, abusive, and/or controlling in their intimate family relationships. The four phases of BIPP are available in both Spanish and English. The Capelli Group, LLC Battering Intervention & Prevention Program (BIPP) teaches batterers how to recognize abuse, accountability, and change their violent behaviors.
The Capelli Group, LLC BIPP is fully accredited by the State of Texas Department of Criminal Justice Assistance Division.
Recognize, accept responsibility for, and end your domestic abuse behaviors
BIPP accreditation guidelines
Our Battering Intervention and Prevention Program meets the Texas State Guidelines for BIP Programs and has been approved by TDCJ-CJAD within the following framework:
Entering our BIPP program:
1.Register - To register call 915-799-0614 anytime and schedule an evaluation and orientation session.
2.Evaluation - Receive a psycho-social evaluation, which includes a detailed intimate relationship history and abusive behavior history, as well as a detailed report of the offending incident when relevant.
3.Orientation - Interactive group session where participant receives information about the philosophy and structure of the program, group rules, and participant's rights and responsibilities.
4. Ongoing Groups - Sessions of between 5-20 people conducted as per State of Texas BIPP Accreditation Guidelines. In order to complete, the participant must:
****Complete the minimum 36 hour educational group sessions****
Accredited by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice-Community Justice Assistance Division (TDCJ-CJAD)
• Participate appropriately in educational group sessions
• Pay fees
Service Location:(Zoom Platform Interactive Classes)
Save time and money with our 18-week online program
The Capelli Group is located at:
9739 Socorro Rd
El Paso, Texas 79927
(915) 799-0614
Group sessions are held five (5) days a week:
Monday: 6 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. (Men’s- English Group)
Tuesday: 6 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. (Men’s Spanish Group)
Wednesday: 6 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. (Women's English Group)
Saturday: 11a.m.- 1:00p.m. (Men's English Group)
Cost of service:
The Texas Department of Criminal Justice's Community Justice Assistance Division (TDCJ-CJAD) requires accredited BIPP programs to charge participants for services as a way of reinforcing that abusive behavior has consequences.
The Capelli Group’s BIPP facilitators are recruited from mental health/wellness backgrounds. All are degreed professionals, and some have completed master's programs and have professional licensures. Each facilitator participates in an intensive initial training program and shadowing process before beginning to facilitate groups solo. In addition, each facilitator receives at least 20 hours of continuing education each year through staff in-service training, conferences, and other activities.
What to expect:
BIPP is not an anger management program. The program curricula address some anger management issues and teach some anger management skills, but it is much more comprehensive in its approach. The curriculum addresses socio-cultural issues, particularly regarding gender and violence, teaches and develops critical thinking skills, and includes therapeutic topic elements, such as empathy, accountability, and communication.
Some courts are requiring both BIPP Classes and Anger Management Classes, we offer both courses that will best fit your scheduled needs
Battering Intervention and Prevention Provider # 071-021
Accredited by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice-Community Justice Assistance Division (TDCJ-CJAD)